Your service provider,
Supporting your experience by offering:
Numerous comfort techniques
Yoga, Repositioning guidance, sacred movement
LGBTQ2S+ Compassionate Community Member
Listening actively, answering your questions
For Doula Clients:
Partner support, guidance's and suggestions for your transition into parenthood
Nourishing your body with healthy foods and offering meal preparation.
Informed consent and peace of mind
Gentle Massage, Counter Pressure
Complete postpartum care packages available including but not limited to chestfeeding knowledge, house and home maintenance, spiritual/mental care.
Culinary and Pastry Arts degrees
I am a trained chef with more than 10 years in the industry. I have always had a love for food and sharing with those around me. Seeing the smile my food gives people will always lighten my day.
Yoga Alliance Internation Yoga Teacher Certification
Yoga has been a large part of more than half my life. It has taught me a lot about breathwork, anatomy, spirituality, and mindfulness. Working with your body, and listening to the sensations that come up.
Doula Training Canada Certificaiton
Labour and Delivery certified Doula through Doula Canada. Insured. Reliable, and knowledgeable in comfort techniques, Postpartum support, infant care, chestfeeding and more.